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Priority booking for A Midsummer Night’s Dream & Into the Woods is now open. Advance & Access booking opens Thursday 27 February at 10am. Public booking opens Friday 28 February at 10am

Group Booking Request Form

To check group rates for each show please visit the individual show pages and if available they will state under General Information.
If you have any questions regarding groups please email [email protected] or call 0333 320 0051


Ticket details

What type of tickets would you like to book?
What type of group are you booking for?
What age ranges will your group include?
We cannot allow children under 12 into the standing area. Under 16s must be accompanied by a ticket holder aged 18+

Payment and collection details

Group bookings will be held for up to 30 days or until 3 weeks before the performance date (whichever is earlier) for payment to be made. For more details, please call our group booking line on 0333 320 0051 (phone lines open 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday, 10am – 5pm Saturday & Sunday)
Payment Type:
We cannot accept cheques at this time